Our Beliefs

What We Believe


First Christian Church of Beaver is a Christian Church. Our message is that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God! He alone is Lord and Savior and the Church belongs to Him. We have no authority to change the teaching, alter membership requirements, or usurp the authority that is Jesus’ alone.

We believe in a loving unity. We seek to be one with all who follow Jesus. We prefer to be called Christians only, but we don’t believe that we are the only Christians.

We believe in restoring Biblical practice. We try in every way to follow the Bible. That is why our baptism is by immersion, our communion is every Lord’s Day, our leaders are called Elders, our preaching centers on Christ, and our prayers are in Christ’s name. Even our church name is an attempt to imitate the earlier disciples who were called Christians first in Antioch.

We believe in study and education. The Christian faith demands the best of our minds, so we are a studying church, wanting to know what the Bible teaches and how we might intelligently apply its teaching to our lives.

We believe in praise and worship. Ours is not a dry intellectual approach to God. We rejoice in the Lord, we praise and worship and pray and love and serve Him from the heart. We love to sing and praise Him!

We believe in congregational freedom. Ours is an independent congregation.  We have no denominational bishop or superintendent and no national headquarters determining our policies.

We believe in growth. We want to grow numerically because we are under Christ’s commission to disciple the whole world. We want to grow spiritually because we know what Jesus wants us to be.

We believe First Christian Church should be your church home!  You are welcome into fellowship with Believers.  If are seeking and would like to know more about having a relationship with Jesus Christ, won’t you   contact us?